November 4, 2009

  • I’m very glad to have lost 60 pounds, and now I see I must absolutely fight to keep it off, maybe even shave another 5-10 pounds if possible. Moving through the 30′s now, I know I must keep a little eye on my health, so I thought I physical was in order, and it was.  My blood work shows I have a little bit too high blood pressure and blood sugars, hence, I am close to being pre-diabetic.  Pre-pre-diabetic I guess. Basically, were I not to manage myself better over the next 10-15 years, I could easily develop type 2 diabetes.  And well, since we have some diabetics in the family, well that would be just no fun to add me to the list.  So, I’m glad to already be eating well, and keeping active, its just terribly important I keep it up. This is at least good to know now. 

    On the plus side, I don’t appear to have any STD’s!  (TMI?)

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