Month: August 2009

  • Scratch that previous entry, that’s HAD a boyfriend.

    Guess we’ll just be friends now, not my choice arrangement, but there ya go.

  • Oh, I’m trying not to let this die

    Its been some time since I’ve bothered to look at Xanga.  I never thought I would get like this, but enter Facebook.  Status updates, and ease of photo uploads, and suddenly, I just dont have anything left for Xanga.

    But the main difference is, with my status updates on FB, once it rolls off the page, it rolls out of my life.  Where for me, Xanga has been an online journal, somthing to read back a year or more later and review where my life has been.  I’d really like to get back to that.  If I could.  Though perhaps its time to move to another blog site?  We shall see.

    My life is moving on, things are different.  I’ve got a boyfriend.  I like how things are developing.  Andrew and I are heading to Europe in a few weeks, France and Spain, and its going to be lovely.

    I’m very excited about how things could develop over the next year and more, and at the same time it sometimes seems scary, and uncertain, that whole unknown future.  But, what choice to you have, todays become yesterdays, and the tomorrows the todays.  I’m embracing the nows, and enjoying them.  And for that, I suppose I’d like to write about it more, so I can look over my thoughts, when today is the new yesterday.  Anyhow, I’m rambling in my head, and nobody else cares, so I’ll stop here for now.